The Key to Security for your Family

Friday, September 20, 2013

Is winning the lottery the same as hearing you have Cancer?

We know it’s not “will we” experience a tragedy, it’s is “when we” experience some sort of tragedy and how we deal with it and how well we are prepared. 

This makes the difference from perhaps foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, family divorce, credit or money issues, employment, and emotional depression and loss in the family. 
Other issues always arrive from winning the lottery to a family member falling into a coma! 
You need answers!
Where are their accounts, how do you access them, what do they have, what dog food do you buy, where will the kids go, how do I pay the bills, how do you get in their house?
They are all issues that need to have some planning. 
And if we have a backup plan for coaching a baseball team, because you never know what team is going to play on the field on which day just in case. 
Why not have a plan b for your team? Your family matters.

How do we deal with finding out that you have terminal cancer, or that my partner is in the hospital for 3 months after a car accident? 
How do we know where your “stuff” is if both of you become injured in an accident?

But, being prepared means we have our information all in one safe and secure place, and we have gone through all of the questions asked about “What if” so when something does occur in our lives we have answers and solutions to all of those types of devastating tragedies that can turn any family rich or poor upside down.
Tweet: TinaOlexaBC

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