The Key to Security for your Family

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

5 Lifestyle Apps to Help you get cheaper Life Insurance-

5 Lifestyle Apps to Help You Get Cheaper Life Insurance-

5 Lifestyle Apps to Help You Get Cheaper Life Insurance

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase
 Life insurance is necessary for every family. It can provide a sense of security as well as assure that your goals for your family can still be met even after you’re gone. Yet, for all these benefits, a good life insurance policy can be quite expensive. While you do not want to skimp now and leave your family vulnerable in the future, there are ways to lower your premium prices without sacrificing good coverage. Here is a list of lifestyle factors that you can improve to make your life insurance cheaper as well as apps that can help you achieve your goals.
1.) Quit Smoking
Smoking can lower your life expectancy by decades and makes you a higher risk for life insurance companies, resulting in higher premiums. To lower your costs and achieve a longer life span, quitting smoking is a great step. The Quitter app for iPad and iPhone offers smokers the opportunity to track how long they have gone without a cigarette. It also tracks the amount of money saved as an additional motivation.
2.) Lose Weight
Overweight and obese individuals are at higher risk for heart complications, diabetes, and certain types of cancers. All of these factors can have a detrimental result on your life insurance rates. Even just losing 10% of your body mass can have a profound effect on both your health as well as your insurance premiums. Lose It! is an app that allows you to set concrete weight loss goals and establish a daily calorie budget to keep you on track.
3.) Reduce Alcohol Intake
Not only can heavy alcohol usage cause problems with your liver and kidneys, it also puts you at greater risk for certain types of accidents as well. While small amounts of alcohol have proven health benefits, being a heavy drinker can make your life insurance premiums skyrocket. The iDrinkulator app tracks your alcohol intake and then tells you how much money and how many calories you are spending to drink. Seeing your alcohol consumption in solid numbers is a huge motivation to cut back.
4.) Improve Driving Habits
Simply getting behind the wheel of a car puts you at risk, but this is increased if you are an unsafe driver. The Driver Feedback app by State Farm Insurance records dangerous driving practices and plots them on a map to show you your weaknesses as a driver. You can even compare yourself against other profiles for even more tools to improve.
5.) Increase Credit Score
While it doesn’t seem like getting your finances in order can make a huge difference in your life insurance rates, studies have proven that those with lower credit scores are at greater risk for health complications. To get a handle on your finances and get your bills paid on time, apps like BillMinder can get you on the right track to a healthier credit score.
By making changes to your lifestyle habits, you can make a big difference in your term life insurance rates. Not only will you save money, but you will breathe easier and live better as well.
Thank you to:

A network of professional experts educating women to live financially healthy
Jessica Bosari Jessica Bosari, Contributor

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Discuss Estate Planning with Aging Parents over the Holidays-

This article is from the USA, but interesting read on getting better prepared with aging parents!

How to Discuss Estate Planning with Aging Parents over the Holidays

by Matthew Karr, Esq. on December 1, 2011
The holiday season is here and now may be a good time to start conversations with loved ones about the future and their estate planning needs. As difficult as it may seem, having conversations early can help families work together and avoid crises down the road.
It’s very common for family members, especially those who live far apart, to notice changes in a loved one’s cognitive or physical capabilities when they get together for the holidays. The realization that Mom or Dad or Aunt Sally may need more help than they used to can cause a growing concern for the well-being of your aging parents or loved ones.
But what can you do? Where should you start? Here are a few pointers than can help start the conversation.
■ Begin by having short, informal conversations with your family members to explore what their concerns are.
■ Gather information about what help might be needed and contact an elder law attorney to learn about the available options.
■ Consider holding a family meeting to talk about the present and the future. Work with your family members to create a list of topics to discuss with your attorney, and get Mom and Dad – or Aunt Sally – involved, too. Once you figure out what’s important to everyone (for example, protecting the home or avoiding probate), set up a free consultation to have your concerns addressed.
Seem impossible or overwhelming? Seek some expert help. Below are some things to consider and questions to ask:
1. Not sure where to start? The best place is usually the basics: Do they have any estate planning documents? Where are they located? When was the last time they were reviewed? Estate planning documents should be reviewed bi-annually to ensure they are effective.
2. Are the seniors in your family prepared in case they or their spouse need long-term care? At $10,000 per month, long-term care costs can devastate a family’s resources if not planned for well ahead of time.
3. Has a healthcare proxy and durable power of attorney been named for each senior? This can be extremely important should an emergency require a family member to make important health and financial decisions for another.
4. If you have an estate plan, is it set up to maximize benefits and reduce or eliminate liabilities for your family? Avoiding the time and cost of probate, reducing or eliminating estate taxes, and ensuring a swift and orderly distribution to heirs can all be accomplished with an effective estate plan.
5. Dreading the conversation? What if family members disagree about next steps? Or maybe they don’t think anything needs to be done? Download one of our free reports to help guide the conversation. You could also invite an elder law attorney into the conversation to help mediate conflicting ideas. The main goal is to protect your family and once that is clear, other details can usually be ironed out once everyone is well informed.
The bottom line is – as difficult as it may seem, starting the conversation before a crisis will help everyone in the long run. Call the Heritage Law Center and let us help you start the new year on the right foot.
Thank you to :
by Matthew Karr, Esq. on December 1, 2011, Mass health and Planning Elder law

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Anything left on the table where you could be saving money?

Saving money! is there anything left on the table that you don't know about?

Ask For a Cell Phone, Home Phone, Cable and Internet Audit

Ask For a Cell Phone, Home Phone, Cable and Internet Audit
You can save $100 or more each month by having an audit done by your Cell Phone, Home Phone, Cable and Internet providers. These companies can usually reassess your bill and help you find less expensive plans or options to suit your needs. According to a recent study about 66% of cell phone customers never use all their minutes. An audit by your cell phone provider may reveal a cheaper plan with fewer minutes.
Please share this wealth protecting tip with your family and friends. For more tips visit our website and facebook pages regularly.
Thank you to Paivk, from Insurance Sales Support,

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Could you survive financially if you fell ill? - December - 2011 - Which? News

Could you survive financially if you fell ill? - December - 2011 - Which? News

New Unum app helps you work out protection needs
09 December 2011

An income protection insurance policy could help you survive financially if you're off work for a long period due to sickness or accident

Income protection provider Unum has launched a new app which enables users to calculate how long they'd be able to survive financially if they were unable to work due to illness or injury.
Nine out of 10 people don't have a back-up plan to support themselves if they lose their income due to illness or injury. Many will rely on credit cards, loans or support from family or friends and could benefit instead from buying an income protection insurance policy.
How the income calculator works
The online Facebook-based app uses average benefits and household expenses figures and asks for a few key personal facts and figures to provide a rough calculation of how long people would be able to stay afloat financially if they lost their income.
Which? protection expert Martyn Saville commented: 'This app really brings home just how quickly savings can be used up if you can't work for a sustained period of time. For example, if you have £3,000 in a savings account, pay rent or mortgage of £800 a month and have average household expenses each month, your money would last just one month, even after factoring in state benefits.
'In the current economic climate of rising prices and reducing state benefits, it's very difficult to build up a sufficient nest egg to see you through a prolonged period of illness or recuperation after an accident. Protection products such as short-term income protection and standard income protection policies could help see you through, avoiding the spectre of major debt.'
More on this...
Why don’t we take out income protection insurance? - Have your say with Which? Conversation
Understanding protection insurance - we explain the best ways to protect your life and income
Income protection - we review the best income protection products available in the UKRead more: Consumer Champions Which? Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial
Thank you to : Which Works for You, some great information for anyone

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How do the Celebrity's Prepare?

Check out this blog by  US News Money, Alpha Consumer, about a new book out on Estate planning for the stars!
 Probate Wars of the Rich and Famous, by estate lawyer Russell Fishkind

Some tips:  Complicated family situations, guardians, not updating your estate, see it all from the Celebrities!

What does the summary say?

The lesson: “Plan, plan, plan,” he says.

Who would figure?