The Key to Security for your Family

Sunday, December 28, 2014

When is the right time to have a Backup plan?


There are so many lifestyles that are created…. you can control and nurture, but there are times in life when it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor or even between. 

Sickness does not care how much money you have … being seriously injured in a car accident happens to people of all races, creeds and statures and we all know that death can come knocking at the most inopportune time …
We may not be able to control these events or even others like robbery, fire, flood, earthquake but you can control how you and your family react.

With this revolutionary new APP you can rest assured that the family and friends involved in any given life event or tragedy can carry on, and continue a life or in some cases, finish one.  With the help of YOUR BACKUP PLAN MOBILE APP, all the precious and valuable information that makes up one person’s life is contained in a secure easy and user-friendly app. 

In designing this, I was surprised with how much information makes up one person’s life. It is so much more than a will and with only short moments to complete each section, you and your family will be prepared for everything and anything that life gives you.

By using this, the people involved can use their energy to help support, care and manage the injured loved one and not have to spend valuable time searching for important papers and documents. There are so many feelings that occur in times of trouble….

Why worry when some unforeseen circumstance happens that only adds to the immense amount of sorrow and confusion already….

Get The App!   This is Your Backup Plan …… You will be glad you did. 

Now on Google play & Itunes

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Best New App to Backup your Life


This Backup Plan technology takes on one of the world's biggest problems.

Let's take some time to talk about something taboo in our culture: death, sickness or a disability. 

Chances are if you're reading this, you know someone either distant or close to you that has experienced one of these. You read this, you make dinner, or lunches for the kids, and you forget it.

So, the concept of an innovative system that provides you and your family peace of mind may not appeal to some of you because it will never happen to you. But it's a simple technological innovation that could help millions of lives around the world.

The facts are that it will happen, because we don't get up in the morning to plan for a tragedy, or a disaster. They just happen.

Your Backup Plan, invented a personal, fully protected system named Your Backup Plan Mobile App, to tackle the burden of seeking all of the valuable information that is needed quickly.  

One of the biggest hurdles facing people is when it comes to the time of crisis the family or friends don't have access to the all of the details of that person's puzzle needed to either complete or plan the final estate, or to be able to continue with the day-to-day workload that has been left for others to complete.

Just imagine the benefits to be able to push a button for that person's information instead of searching and searching through their belongings, not really knowing where to start. Saving precious time and money and at the same time increasing confidence, peace of mind and security when it is the most stressful, dismal, and complicated time.

We could then look at problems that we are faced with in the future from a completely new prospective! Our Grandparents would roll up all of the special forms, documents and information in a brown paper bag and stick it in the basement rafters to keep it safe.

Now, we have more stuff, so Your Backup Plan, integrated a completely similar system but incredibly safe, organized and an easy life-saving backup for you and your family.  It's like bringing back the old & making it new again! That's what we need in the future with so many disasters and tragedies coming your way how can we possibly recover from all of them all the time!

Get started today 

Your Backup Plan  - now on Google Play and Itunes

Friday, December 5, 2014

BEST NEW APP for backing up your Life

A world changing idea.
 This Backup Plan technology takes on one of the world’s biggest problems.
Let’s take some time to talk about something taboo in our culture: death, sickness or a disability. With so many disasters coming your way how can you possibly recover from them every time everywhere.
Chances are if you’re reading this, you know someone either distant or close to you that has experienced one of these. You read this, you make dinner, or lunches for the kids, and you forget about it. So the concept of an innovative system that provides you and your family peace of mind may not appeal to some of you because it will never happen to you; but it’s a simple technological innovation that could help millions of lives around the world.

The facts are that it will happen, because we don’t get up in the morning to plan for a tragedy, or a disaster. They just happen.
Whether you are single or have a partner, everyone’s Life puzzle is complicated and unique. Your family or friends may not know all the details of your puzzle but when tragedy hits your life – your family or friends will need a very quick recovery to that valuable information!
That’s when Your Backup Plan enables you and your family to put your life’s puzzle back together.

Now available on Google play and Itunes

Monday, November 10, 2014


 Why not get your Will? click here

My goal for this Christmas season is to encourage as many families just how easy it is to get 
done and of course the dangers of not having one!!!

We can help you with that!

 See how it works in Canada

 It is a tax deductible expense for your business 
Your Family estate questions for minimizing costs, taxes, and hassles to your estate
Needing some assistance to questions about your family member's estate issues?

Personal document review
Lease agreement reviews
Letters and phone calls on your behalf
Billing discrepancy
Traffic violations
Agreement reviews
Divorce or separation assistance
Adoption or name change assistance

Estate Planning from Watson Goepel in B.C. -- CLICK HERE

 When you have it! click here

Here are just a few of the DANGERS of not having a current up-to-date WILL
  1. You can not select guardians for any minor children
  2. The Public Guardian , |the Government," steps in and becomes involved in your children's personal lives. Wouldn't you want your children with people they know and trust?
  3. The Public Trustee becomes involved in the administering the children's share if they are minors. The Government will decide your children's financial future and of course take their fees from it.
  4. Your children may not receive the inheritance you want them to receive, and you can't provide a trust for them after the fact. Which is basically what happened to Michael Jackson's estate.
  5. If your children are minors when you die, this means that when they reach the age of majority the will receive the entire inheritance in one-lump sum instead of spread out over time

Joining our membership online where you will be mailed your package in the mail to you

You can also choose to join the membership for

“ Identity Theft Shield”
How it works! Click here

Including a current copy of your CREDIT REPORTS
Monitoring and Activity alerts + Restoration service + sex offender search + safeguard for Minors.

If you have any questions with regards to what you should do or not sure what would happen in your area that you live -- please forward them to

Click on "Start Now" to help guide you thru the process to get your
Will and Power of Attorney Package mailed to you!

  1. You will get your package sent directly to you- fill out the questionnaire and mail it in the envelope provided to you
  2. They will contact you immediately to provide an appointment
  3. You will get your membership cards and booklet 
  4. Membership cards for your wallet for members of the family
Get started today!

Available currently in Canada: BC, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario
Available in 49 states in USA
Email me to connect to your appropriate area

Monday, January 27, 2014

Our Debit and Credit Cards are at an ultimate high for risk of your information!

Another possible fraudulent activity with their systems possibly compromised! Yet another one!
Neiman Marcus Group Ltd., posted that they had a possible security breach last year that may have affected about 1.1 million cards.

Target Corp. recently said hackers stole about 40 million debit and credit card numbers during the past holiday season in 2013. What a way to start off the New Year and busy shopping schedules.
Most people are now not waiting until their credit, their medical, their identity becomes comprised, who is there to help you? Don't count on the credit card companies or banks to help you out they do not have the resources for that.
A membership that we are taking full advantage of right now is unique in the marketplace and a real savior! Available in both Canada (some provinces) and 49 states in the USA. In Canada, this membership can be used as a tax deduction if you are self employed. Our USA neighbors, please check with your IRA regulations.

They are always 1-step of all of us!

What steps can we take to prevent this from affecting us?

1- Not use any of your cards in the stores or banks
2- Not have any cards at all, otherwise they can also steal our mail to get access or our information or steal our information from our own home filing systems from our statement records
3- Not have any mortgage because even that can have the registration changed without our knowledge
4- Only use cash ( but then we may get counterfeit money too)
5- Do not use cheques because of the information that can be taken from that
6- Do not use your social insurance number, or your Social Security card
7- Do not have a driver's license
8- Do not have a medical card, because even your medical history can be altered or taken
9- Don't give any identification to anyone

Are any of these steps possible in this day and age?
What is the world coming to?  We better get used to it, because this is what is occurring in front of us and we need to know we have a safe place that we have protection.

For a minimal monthly fee of $12.95/mth membership will notify you of any changes that occur, advise you of any alterations, before it becomes bigger than what you think it can become. And in some cases completely restore your identity back to what you had in a quick and timely fashion. Comparing this action to what others say is a real headache if they needed to repair it, and could that headache, stress and cost could last for years. PM me for more information on getting your membership activated today!