The Key to Security for your Family

Monday, September 23, 2013

Emergency comes in all shapes and sizes

Emergency comes in all shapes and sizes!
When is it an emergency? When my lights don't turn on with a flick of a switch or when your mortgage or loan gets called in?
Or is it when your daughter tattoos her body parts, or those torture devices, spacers or earlobe ex-panders!
I think we need to pick our fights especially with all of the emergencies that can happen to us at any time anywhere! Our emergencies might consist of divorce especially when it's unexpected, car accidents, work accidents, medical, travel emergency, loss of your passport, wallet stolen, break in , theft, identity stolen, business partnership divorce, disease and illnesses, your children's illness, death in the family, estate planning, the list can go on. Can you think of any others?
When do you stress over things that come up in your life? 
It's been proven that we stress more over things in life that we haven't planned for or that come up suddenly! We are wondering what stance to take on a subject, emotionally tied to the outcome, frustration with the humiliation,  embarrassment from the monies owed or the care required, and of all the things that you have to deal with. Making decisions. Because it is real, and there is an outcome and you have to make decisions even as hard as they are.
Why then we do we stress over these types of emergencies? 
Because we haven't planned for that type of change in our family life. Do a little bit of planning and you can deal with whatever comes your way small or big!
So, I can make some of those worries go away at least by having a plan , finding out how you can do that is by contacting our website and getting parts of your plan organized by a few punches of your APP!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Is winning the lottery the same as hearing you have Cancer?

We know it’s not “will we” experience a tragedy, it’s is “when we” experience some sort of tragedy and how we deal with it and how well we are prepared. 

This makes the difference from perhaps foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, family divorce, credit or money issues, employment, and emotional depression and loss in the family. 
Other issues always arrive from winning the lottery to a family member falling into a coma! 
You need answers!
Where are their accounts, how do you access them, what do they have, what dog food do you buy, where will the kids go, how do I pay the bills, how do you get in their house?
They are all issues that need to have some planning. 
And if we have a backup plan for coaching a baseball team, because you never know what team is going to play on the field on which day just in case. 
Why not have a plan b for your team? Your family matters.

How do we deal with finding out that you have terminal cancer, or that my partner is in the hospital for 3 months after a car accident? 
How do we know where your “stuff” is if both of you become injured in an accident?

But, being prepared means we have our information all in one safe and secure place, and we have gone through all of the questions asked about “What if” so when something does occur in our lives we have answers and solutions to all of those types of devastating tragedies that can turn any family rich or poor upside down.
Tweet: TinaOlexaBC

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Extreme Events Are a Sign of What Is Yet To Come

What is coming next? Is there more flooding, droughts, earthquakes, fires, shootings, car accidents, sickness and disease, train accidents, avalanches, theft and terrorism?  One can only hope that any type of horrific event that can devastate everything that we own and who we are will not occur.  Tina Olexa, Founder of a company named Your Backup Plan believes that the extreme events that are so newsworthy are a sign of what is yet to come.  She asks, “How can we be sure of anything anymore.”

CONTACT: Tina Olexa


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

As a Business owner how can I protect my wife and kids

Q. “A colleague of mine passed away suddenly and I had the opportunity to see first-hand the financial and emotional hardship he and his family are dealing with on an on-going basis because he had no plan for the unexpected events. How can I protect my wife and kids in case something happens to me? 
It is understandable that as the provider and protector of your family, you want to ensure that they financially and emotionally secure.  Have a succession plan for your business and leave your personal life in order.  Here are the top 10 tips to protect you, your spouse and family in case of any tragedy--
1-      Short term disability and long term disability policies will ensure that you have sufficient income to provide assistance to you and your family for living expenses, prescriptions, tests or treatments.
2-      A medical care policy that will care for you or a loved one in case of extreme disability, dementia, or sickness is very different than a disability policy. It will provide you with the medical attention, housing or care-aids when required.
3-      A power of attorney with delegation to a family member or trusted advisor will allow temporary decision-making on your behalf a simpler process.   
4-      A current last will and testament, a living will and a medical directive are all important so that your wishes are clear to family, healthcare providers and legal counsel.  If you don’t have these, do it now.
5-      Keep a current contact list for your lawyers, accountants, bankers, consultants, agents, advisors, managers, friends and associations. 
6-      Keep a copy of your birth and marriage certificates on file and easily accessible.  They may be needed when dealing with government agencies and when applying for transfer of benefits to your spouse.
7-      Consider life insurance that doesn't change in frequency, payment or benefit during your lifetime. That way it will be with you and your family forever without having to pay more, or lose it.
8-      Consider creating trusts for your family members. This can be a reliable income stream for family members without it being taxed as income.  Check with your accountant or financial planner on the current regulations.
9-      Organize personal bills and make notations for others that are left behind since so many bills are now e-statements.

10-   Keep a register (list and copies) of all of the aforementioned documents and information PLUS the registered owners of your personal assets such as your accounts, investments, property, safety deposit box, and vehicles in one place that is easy to find by your family.  

Tina Olexa is a financial advisor, mother and a small business owner. In her role as financial advisor for over a decade with many individuals, she has witnessed many tragic events in her clients’ lives – from health-related to sudden, unexpected tragedies.  
Tina developed Your Backup Plan system to ensure that her clients are prepared and their families are protected when hardship occurs. 

Follow her on Twitter @TinaOlexaBC.
To read more about Your Backup Plan, visit